Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
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Several members of the preacher’s congregation came to the minister for help with a backsliding member of his flock.
A church in a rural community was so small that the pastor also doubled as the local barber to make ends meet.
Customer, Pay Up?
A window salesman phoned up a customer.
Cat Romance
A tom cat and a tabby were courting on a back fence one night.
Burma Shave Signs
Do you remember Burma Shave signs along the highway?
How to tell whether you are ready to have kids
Mess Test Smear peanut butter on the sofa and curtains. Place a fish stick behind the couch and leave it there all summer.
Translation Please
In California’s Sonoma Valley, where vineyards cater to wine snobbery, a woman phoned the classified ad department of a newspaper. She offered for sale what sounded like “well-aged Caumeneur.”
Stop spening too much time playing computer games
A father believed that his son was spending way too much time playing computer games.
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