Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
Backseat Driver
Bill and his wife, Sherry, get along just great, except that Bill complains Sherry is a “backseat driver” second to none.
A Woman’s Wish
A woman was walking along the beach when she stumbled upon a Genie’s lamp. She picked it up and rubbed it, and lo-and-behold a Genie appeared.
My Forgetter
My forgetter’s getting better but my rememberer is broke.
Computers Down
Two priests died at the same time and met Saint Peter at the Pearly Gates. St. Peter said, “I’d like to get you guys in now, but our computer’s down. You’ll have to go back to Earth for about a week, but you can’t go back as priests. What’ll it be?”
How Old?
The census taker knocked on Donna’s door. She answered all his questions except one. She refused to tell him her age.
New Words
AQUADEXTROUS adj., Possessing the ability to turn the bathtub faucet on and off with one’s toes.
Don’t Get Up
A feminist is getting on a bus when, just in front of her, a man gets up from his seat.
Papal Meeting
During a visit to the United States the Pope met with President Clinton. Instead of just an hour as scheduled, the meeting went on for two days.
Got any book recommendations?